Sriram Vishwanath (Guest Host)

Sriram Vishwanath (Guest Host)

Sriram Vishwanath received the B. Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India in 1998, the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology (Caltech , Pasadena USA in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA USA in 2003. He is the CEO and co-founder of GenXComm and a professor (on leave) in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at The University of Texas, Austin, USA. Sriram received the NSF CAREER award in 2005 and the ARO Young Investigator Award in 2008. His has published over 250 referred research papers, across the domains of Wireless Systems, AI/Machine Learning, Information Theory, Networking, Blockchain and Large-Scale Systems.

Episodes Hosted By Sriram Vishwanath (Guest Host)